太阳集团城娱8722 - 太阳集团tyc8722


Dr. ZHANG Nana

ZHANG Nana is a postdoctoral fellow of Shandong University of technology(SDUT). She gained her Bachelor of Science and a PhD in Engineering from University of Jinan in 2015 and 2021, respectively. During her PhD, her research interests mainly focus on the elimination of air pollutants, including the synthesis and characterization of materials and the reaction mechanism of catalytic materials. Her current main research direction is the preparation and characterization of self-cleaning coatings and the surface corrosion protection of metal materials. She has participated in four national funds and published 15 research papers, including four as the first author. Relevant work has been mainly published in SCI journals such as catalysis communications, catalysts, materials research express, etc. Five invention patents have been applied for and three have been authorized.
